WDA Consultants Inc. - GASSYS: list of detectable gases and vapours

The passive Gas Sampling System GASSYS

The system has been tested for the following gases and vapours found in contaminated areas;

Acetone   ( C3H6O ) Diethyl ether   ( C4H10O ) Methanol   ( CH4O )
Acrylonitrile   ( C3H3N ) Dimethylamine   ( C2H7N ) Methyl acetate   ( C3H6O2 )
Ammonia   ( NH4 ) Dioxane   ( C4H8O2 ) Methyl ethyl ketone   ( C4H8O )
Benzene   ( C6H6 ) Ethane   ( C2H6 ) Methyl mercaptan   ( CH4S )
iso-Butane   ( C4H10 ) Ethanol   ( C2H6O ) Nitrogen Dioxide   ( NO2 )
n-Butane   ( C4H10 ) Ethyl acetate   ( C4H8O2 ) n-Pentane   ( C5H12 )
Butanol   ( C4H10O ) Ethylene   ( C2H4 ) Oxygen   ( O2 )
Butanone   ( C4H8O ) Ethylene oxide   ( C2H4O ) Pentanol   ( C5H12O )
Butyl acetate   ( C6H12O2 ) Formaldehyde   ( CH2O ) Pentyl acetate   ( C7H14O2 )
Carbon Dioxide   ( C02 ) Freon-11   ( CCl3F ) Propane   ( C3H8 )
Carbon Monoxide   ( CO ) Freon-12   ( CCl2F2 ) iso-Propanol   ( C3H8O )
Chlorine   ( Cl2 ) Freon-21   ( CHCl2F ) Phenyl methanol   ( C7H8O )
Chloromethane   ( CH3Cl ) Freon-113   ( C2Cl3F3 ) Styrene   ( C8H8 )
Chloropicrin   ( CCl3NO2 ) Freon-502 Tetrachloroethylene   ( C2Cl4 )
Crude Oil Gasoline   ( 5-12 carbons ) Tetrahydrofuran   ( C4H8O )
Cyclohexane   ( C6H12 ) Halon-1211   ( CBrClF2 ) Toluene   ( C7H8 )
Cyclohexanone   ( C6H10O ) Halon-1301   ( CF3Br ) Trichloroethane   ( C2H3Cl3 )
Dibutyl ether   ( C8H18O ) Heating oil Trichloroethylene   ( C2HCl3 )
Dichloroethane   ( C2H4Cl2 ) n-Hexane   ( C6H14 ) Trichloromethane   ( CHCl3 )
Dichloroethylene   ( C2H2Cl2 ) Hydrogen   ( H2 ) Vinyl chloride   ( C2H3Cl )
Dichloromethane   ( CH2Cl2 ) Hydrogen Sulfide   ( H2S ) Xylene   ( C8H10 )
Diesel fuel   ( 15-25 carbons ) Methane   ( CH4 )