WDA Consultants Inc. - HydroDynamik for Windows

WDA's Hydrogeologic Knowledge System


HYDRODYNAMIK [HD] for Windows is a user friendly program for the evaluation and plotting of groundwater data, with emphasis on well construction data, well geology, groundwater dynamics (water levels) and water chemistry. The data encompass

  • borehole geology,
  • single and nested piezometers, soil air suction wells, production and injection wells,
  • chemical, biochemical and isotope sampling and analyses for groundwater, soil, and soil air,
  • fluid levels in surface and ground waters (water and phase), and
  • the progress of remediation and natural attenuation.

All data are compared with each other within the context of their spatial position. Report-ready maps and diagrams can be prepared and printed or stored as slides. Slides can be recalled for further development and shown as computer projections at meetings and presentations. All diagrams and maps can be annotated.

HD shows the original data on maps, cross-sections, in time series diagrams, in comparison diagrams, or at the borehole where they were taken. Thus it is well suited to quickly extract reliable knowledge out of a multitude of unsystematic information.

The program is ideally suited for formulation of concepts based on a thorough evaluation and comparison of unfamiliar data sets and for keeping track of data floods originating from many contaminated sites. Regulatory limits can be set as filters in most chemical diagrams thus eliminating embarrassing oversights due to large amounts of data.

The program has been successfully applied to large case histories dealing with up to 1,500 piezometers, more than 20,000 chemical analyses, and close to 100,000 water level readings at a time. In a hearing on the expansion of an oil sand production site the program enabled the evaluation of data and formulation of new concepts within about a month at sites with 25 years of data. HD can also be applied at regulatory meetings and elsewhere to quickly display diagrams and maps of data thus facilitating decision making and eliminating delays due to false or frivolous claims.

HD adjusts itself within project work to the needs and preferences of users as any change of parameters is saved for subsequent sessions.

HD handles different foreign languages independently for the screen, the program interface and printing. Thus the program can be operated by users unfamiliar with the target language. Presently it is prepared for English, French, German and Spanish.